Monday, September 30, 2019

Social Network Marketing & Its Effectiveness

Introduction The objective of this review is to explore what the research says about social network marketing and its effectiveness. The first wave of internet revolution (web 1. 0) brought consumers e-commerce. The second wave, Web 2. 0 evolved into a much robust and interactive experience, allowing consumers to participate and share information effectively, Social network media such as Facebook, Tweeters, etc. have grown rapidly. Users are not only teens but also adults. The popularity of smartphones, hand-held tablet computers, computer notebooks also help the increase in popularity of using these sites.For instance, social net work media have replaced e-mails to become the most popular communication tools. To marketing practitioners, this wave of digital revolution cannot be ignored. More than that Web 2. 0 enable consumers to generate content and share. This change is totally different from conventional marketing, in which firms generate content or messages to bombard users and potential users (such as advertising). It is now not a question of whether a company should use digital media, but how they can maximize the benefit from the rise of these new media network.It may not mean that conventional marketing tools such as advertising will be replaced overnight, but social network media should be able to synergize conventional promotional tools. Thus, naturally the question of tracking and measuring social network media and its ROI will be asked, which will be addressed in this paper. The use of social network media in consumer marketing is well established. Its application in education, healthcare, and also in pharmaceutical promotion are also explored. Word of Mouth Marketing To begin with, the concept of word of mouth marketing is explored.Marketers recognized that the conversations among customers are powerful influence of product adoptions (Ryan and Gross 1943; Rogers 1962). Traditionally, marketers develop message to influence selective consumers (who may be early users) and these consumers help propagate the product message to other consumers. More sophisticated marketers will identify influencers in the group of potential consumers (or opinion leaders) and influence them. Thereafter, these opinion leaders can help propagate marketers' message to other consumers.In web 2. 0 err, consumers will participate in the whole marketing communication process. They will coproduce content to be shared in their chosen network. Hence, Word of Mouth model has evolved from a consumer-to-consumer process in the past to a opinion leader to consumer model, and most recently, a network coproduction model (Figure 1. ) Marketers do not only influence the selective consumers (opinion leaders) in the launch phase, but also have to monitor the process of consumer to consumer messaging.The coproduction model of word of mouth marketing is further depicted by Adrian Palmer and Nicole Koenig-Lewis. In their article â€Å"An experiential, social network-ba sed approach to direct marketing†, the authors proposed a framework of 3 elements of the social network environment – the seller, the customer and the community (Figure 2). In this model, the traditional interface for direct marketings has been between the seller and the customers, represented by the hatched area. With the introduction of the community element, the customer interacts with self-selected communities.Sellers need to interact with selected communities to achieve a variety of benefits, including spreading of positive word of mouth and gathering information about buyers' needs and preferences. The challenge is how to balance the interest of the sellers, the customers and the community, and this is represented in the overlapping area of the 3 circles. Figure 2. Direct marketing in a social network Success Factors for Social Network Sites Shu-Chuan Chu and Yoojung Kim studied the determinants of consumer engagement in social networking sites (Chu & Kim 2011).Ba sed on literature review, the authors identifies 5 determinants – tie strength, homophily, trust, normative and informational interpersonal influence as important antecedent to eWOM behavior in SNSs. Tie Strength Tie strength refers to â€Å"the potency of the bond between members of a network† (Mittal et al. 2008, p. 196). Example of strong tie strength is family members, whereas weak tie strength is colleagues. Strong tie were more likely to be activated for the flow of referral behavior. The hypothesis is that SNS users' perceived tie strength with their contacts is positively related to their engagement n eWOM behaviors in SNSs.Homophily Homophily refers to the degree to which individuals who interact with one another are congruent or similar in certain attributes (Rogers & Bhowmik 1970). The assumption is that people with simailar characteristics, such as age & character may come together to form community. Hence, the hypothesis is that SNS users' perceived homoph ily with their contacts is positively related to their engagement in eWOM behaviours in SNSs. Trust Trust is defined as ‘a willingness to rely on an exchange partner in whom one has confidence' (Moorman et al. 1993, p. 82).In todays popular SNS, users share information with their own real network and thus, significantly increase the level of trust. Therefore, the hypothesis is SNS users' perceived trust in their contacts is positively related to their engagement in eWOM behaviors in SNSs. Normative influence Normative influence refers to the tendency to conform to the expectations of others. It affects attitudes, norms and values (Burnkrant & Cousineau 1975). The hypothesis is that SNS users' susceptibility to normative influences is positively related to their engagement in eWOM behaviors in SNSs. Informational influenceInformational influences, on the other and, denote the tendency to accept information from knowledgeable others and be guided in product, brand and store sear ch (Bearden et al. 1989; Deutsch & Gerard 1955). The hypothesis is that SNS users' susceptibility to informational influences is positively related to their engagement in eWOM behaviors in SNSs. These factors were tested in an on-line survey of the college students on their 3 operationalized engagement: opinion seeking, opinion giving and opinion passing. The findings of the study are: Tie strength is positively associated with eWOM behavior.On the other hand, a negative relationship was found between homophily and eWOM in SNSs. Trust is found to be positively impact engagement with eWOM. Normative and informational influences are important for the engagement, but informational influence in opinion giving is not determined. Implications: The results from this study suggest that advertisers must take social relationship factors into account and develop personalized marketing communications strategies to fulfil SNS users' needs. Insight into Network Co-production of Product Messaging That marketers may not have full control in the product messaging in social etwork marketing, Kozinets, de Valck, Woinicki & Wilner studied a mobile phone launch campaign using social network media (blogs) (Kozinets, de Valck, Woinicki & Wilner 2010). 83 bloggers were seeded with a new mobile phone and their blogs were monitored for 6 months. The bloggers were selected based on their traffic on their blogs. There is no obligation for the bloggers to write or not write. This study gave detailed analysis of the posts and provide good insight and lessons learnt from a commercial program used in social network media. The study found that bloggers can be categorized based on their character style.For instance, in the study at least 4 types are identified, 1. citizen journalist, 2. loving mother, 3. satirical exhibitionist, and 4. the making-ends-meet professional blogger. Four narrative strategies are identified (Figure 3) – evaluation, embracing, endorsement and explanation. Whic h strategy to be adopted depends on the blogger's character, the governing norm in the community and the commercial element in the WOMM. The study found that the motivation for consumers to participate in the co-production of WOM are more complex and culturally embeded, shaped by communal interests and communicative orientations and charged with moral hazard.WOM communicators demonstrate their need to balance inherent commercial-communal tensions while being consistent with the character elements of their ongoing narratives. It is also found that WOMM message and their attendant meanings will be altered by communicators in ways taht are attuned to a range of different individual and communal factors. The managerial implications from the study are the followings. Firstly, managers should pay attention to not only the quantity (so-called amplification by advertising professional), but also quality of the consumer-generated messages.Secondly, consumers that play the role of communicato rs should be further explored, classified and devloped. Thirdly, managers should proactively explore the norms assococaited with the communication network. Marketer also need to rethink whether some degree of control must be imposed in a WOM campaign. For instance, in the current study, that bloggers are free to write and even disclose their relationship with the firm can generate negative WOM and distrust in the community. More important this study also suggests that managers have an opportunity to encoruage particular narrative stategies that may be ideal for their product.Figure 3 Social Network Marketing vs Traditional Marketing? Studies shown that social network marketing (word of mouth marketing) and traditional marketing work synergistically (Onishi & Manchanda 2012; Trusov, Bucklin & Pauwels 2008). In a Japanese study, how blogs and advertising interact during product launch in movie and cell phone categories were studied. The study found that advertising will stimulate blog ging activities during product pre-launch, and effect is less apparent post launch (Onishi & Manchanda 2012).In another study (Trusov, Bucklin & Pauwels 2008), electronic word of mouth (eWOM) programs of a social network site were compared with PR programs (media appearance and Events) in terms of the effectiveness in generating new sign-ups. The founding is that eWOM is more effective than media appearance and events. However, it is also observed that eWOM and PR work synergistically. The studies also showed that blogging and eWOM effects are more long-lasting. The effectiveness of Social Media MarketingIn the article by Hoffman and Fodor (Hoffman & Fodor 2010), the authors attempted to address the ROI metric of social network marketing. As social network sites are now easily measured by search of your brand's blogs or data mining, quantative measurement seems to be ppssible. Some people may want a simple direct short term sales against direct costs. The authors caution whether thi s is a suitabke measurement of social network effectiveness. Nevertheless, we know that Social network marketing can substituted traditional marketing.As traditional marketing such as TV advertising is expensive, by allocating a certain amount of promotional budget to digital marketing can definitely reduce cost and achieve more or less same results. Another benefit of social network marketing is the improvement of market research by direct communicating with users and thus, significantly saving the amount of market research costs. To meaningfully measure ROI of social media marketing, the authors suggest to begin with identifying the objectives of a particular social marketing campaign in order to take into consideration of different nature of social network media (figure 4).In short, brand awareness, brand engagement and word of mouth effect can be measured. Figure 4 References: Donna L. Hoffman, Marek Fodor 2010. Can You Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing? MIT Sloan M anagement Review 52,1(Fall): 41-49. Fue Zeng, Li Huang, Wenyu Dou 2009. Journal of Interactive Advertising 10,1: 1-13. Hirishi Onishi, Puneet Manchanda 2012. Marketing activity, blogging and sales. Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 29: 221-234.Shu-Chuan Chu, Yoojung Kim 2011, Determinants of consumer engagement in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in social networking sites, International Journal of Advertising 30,1: 47-75. Robert V Kozinets, Kristine de Valck, Andrea C Wojnick and Sarah JS Wilner 2010, Networked Narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities, Journal of Marketing, 74 (March): 71-89. Louise Kelly, Garyle and Judy Drennan 2010, Avoidance of Advertising in Social Networking sites: the Teenage Perspective, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 10, 25(Spring): pp. 16-27.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Kinds of Music Essay

Music is no stranger to anyone, but have you ever asked someone as to what music is. If not, then try on but be prepared that you would not receive any definite answer from anyone. The dictionary defines music as ‘the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unified and continuous composition’. However, in the larger picture, the definition of music varies with culture, people, place or time. Music is sublime and too varied, leaving each individual with a different set of choice. For some music may be a source of relaxation, while for others it could be the means to let out their internal anguish. Even a person with the least inclination towards melody can recognize a piece of music instantly. With the diversity in the forms of music, here is a classification of some of the different types of music. It’s an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Classical music is the main form of music, and refers mainly to the music which prevailed in the world before the 20th century. Classical music is a complex form of music and requires intensive training and knowledge. Classical music may also refer to the local and folk music of any particular country or region. In the world of Western music, the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are defined as classical music. It’s a complex form of music as it requires skills like learning the ragas and ability to coordinate with other musicians. One has to maintain the complex relationship between its emotional flows. If you wish to learn it, then you have to go through proper training. Folk music includes both traditional music mirrors the needs, desire, likes, dislikes and life of the local people and the genre that evolved from it during the 20th century folk revival. The term originated in the 19th century but is often applied to music that is older than that. Certain types of folk music are also called world music. Folk music mostly depicts the struggle for survival and culture of the people. Country music is a genre that has evolved out of folk music. Bob Dylan’s songs have become anthem for people fighting against social injustice. Traditional folk music has been defined in several ways: as music transmitted by mouth, as music of the lower classes, and as music with unknown composers. It has been contrasted with commercial and classical styles. One meaning often given is that of old songs, with no known composers; another is music that has been transmitted and evolved by a process of oral transmission or performed by custom over a long period of time. Rapping is a key ingredient in hip hop music and reggae, and has worked itself into mainstream and alternative rock music as well. It is generally spoken to a beat, either with backing music or acapella. Rap is a complex mix of influences, and includes elements of speech, prose, poetry, and song. If you appreciate the art form, have some talent, and want to learn how to rap, this article will help you build the foundation that will allow you to grow into a world-class rapper. Country music is genre of American popular music that originated in the rural regions of the Southern United States in the 1920s.[1] It takes its roots from southeastern American folk music, Western cowboy. Blues mode has been used extensively throughout its recorded history. Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms and harmonies accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjoes, electric and acoustic guitars, fiddles, and harmonicas. Rock music came into existence in the rock and roll era of the 1950s. Rock music has its focus mainly on guitars, drums and heavy vocals. However, use of piano, synthesizer, saxophone, flute, mandolin and sitar has also been witnessed in the modern rock era. These instruments are mainly used to create a deeper impact. Elvis Presley and The Beatles are considered to be the pioneers of rock music. Over the years, rock music has diversified into various genres like hard rock, metal rock, progressive rock etc. Rock music is a genre of popular music that originated as â€Å"rock and roll† in 1950s America and developed into a range of different styles in the 1960s and later, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States. It has its roots in 1940s’ and 1950s’ rock and roll, itself heavily influenced by rhythm and blues and country music. Rock music also drew strongly on a number of other genres such as blues and folk, and incorporated influences from jazz, c lassical and other musical sources. Disco is a genre of dance music. Disco acts charted high during the mid-1970s, and the genre’s popularity peaked during the late 1970s. Its initial audiences were club-goers from the African American, Latino, gay, and psychedelic communities in New York City and Philadelphia during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Disco also was a reaction against both the domination of rock music and the stigmatization of dance music by the counterculture during this period. Women embraced disco as well, and the music eventually expanded to several other popular groups of the time. Pop rock is a music genre which mixes a catchy pop style and light lyrics in its (typically) guitar-based rock songs. There are varying definitions of the term, ranging from a slower and mellower form of rock music to a subgenre of pop music. Scholars have noted that pop and rock are usually depicted as opposites; the detractors of pop often deride it as a slick, commercial product, less authentic than rock music. Metal music emerged after the Second World War. Here the melody of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of the songs. While in rock music, songwriting is based within a form; in metal music, the central melody decides the structure of the song. It is also known as ‘information music’. Heavy metal music, also known as ‘information music’, started off after the Second World War. It includes various sub-genres, such as thrash metal, death metal, and black metal and so on. The most important requirement of a heavy metal band is the presence of at least one electronic guitarist. There may be a few soft and subtle pieces, but most of the songs are loud, fast and aggressive with some heavy use of the guitar and drums, and lot of screaming, mostly in death metal. Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath were some of the famous bands of this genre. Hip-hop music originated among the Black American during the 1970s, with a deep influence from the Jamaican music. Hip-hop employs bass as the main instrument and includes rapping and audio mixing. Bob Marley and Roberts Nesta Marley were the pioneers in popularizing hip-hop music. By 2000, hip-hop made its way to the world music charts, and now with the success of hip-hop artists like Eminem, 50 Cents, Usher and Akon, hip-hop is going places around the globe. Hip-hop music always includes the use of instruments such as guitar, violin, fiddle, piano, bass and drums. In this type of music, the bass is the main instrument. This can be used in different intensities to emote feelings of anger, pride and others. This type of music is the result of hip-hop culture and is known as hip-hop music. This music shows a heavy influence of Jamaican music. The roots of the music are found in African-American and West African music. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of We st Africa. Trance music is characterized by fast beats, short melodic synthesizer phrases, and a musical form that varies up and down throughout a track. Trance music is mostly played in clubs and discotheques, for listeners to groove and dance. The name trance suggests the hypnotic effect of this type of music, and quite often gets associated with the use of drugs. Trance music is a combination of various forms of music such as industrial, techno, and house. Jazz music owes its origin to the African American communities in the Southern United States. Cornet, trumpet, saxophone, piano and violin are the main instruments used in jazz music. Jazz music carries a strong and intricate rhythm and is a lot influenced by the blues in terms of using components like blue notes and phrasing of melodies. Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald and Freddie Hubbard were some of the most famous jazz artists. This type of music is featured by strong and complex rhythms. The main instruments used for jazz music are cornet, trumpet or violins, which help carry the melody. This is a rhythmic music and has a forward momentum called â€Å"swing†. However, in this genre, the skilled performer interprets a tune in his own way. Techno music is also known as fusion music, is electronic dance music influenced from the African American styles like funk, electro and electric jazz. It was developed by a group known as â€Å"The Belleville Three†, initiated by Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson and Juan Atkins in the suburbs of Detroit. Among the various styles of techno that exists today, Detroit Techno is considered to be the base for all others. Techno music is mainly an instrumental genre that uses instruments like synthesizers, drum machines, multi-tracking and hardware sequencers for creating harmony. It features fast beats and this form was initiated by Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May. Opera music first emerged in Italy in the 1600s. This genre has a remarkable combination of theatrical art and musical invention and is specifically played in the theaters. This has greater appeal for its delightful orchestral accompaniment. The preludes and interludes of this music set the tone for the action on-stage.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

International Business Strategy Literature review

International Business Strategy - Literature review Example Yet many managers view it to be more theoretical than practical. Most of the time, when this theory in use it is often misused to provide a single answers which is overly precise (Lindstadt, 2010). The work on the European passenger rail deregulation is evidence to prove that game theory provides appropriate guidance to managers as they handle unprecedented and difficult situations. The key to achieve the best results is to use this theory to generate a range of results based on decisions made by reasonable players. Then use them analyze the merits and demerits of each decision. It is clear from the reading, that the authors’ model changes game theory from a tool that gives a single answer to a discipline that gives knowledgeable support to managerial decisions (Lindstadt, 2010). We observe that factors in the economic environment propel game theory to a prominent place in strategy. The global economic crisis and the uncertain recovery, have called for shifts in industrial capacity, market price and demand. These uncertainties paralyze corporate decision-making and worse they compel managers to make less informed decisions. Game theory contributes to a clear decision

Friday, September 27, 2019

Describe the best tactics and techniques for message presentation, Essay

Describe the best tactics and techniques for message presentation, regardless of medium - Essay Example People spend their time reading blogs, and they end up trusting bloggers. It is important to know how to pitch a campaign to bloggers. Bloggers always require the right approach from any prospective client (Eberhart, 2012). Firstly, they require the client to formulate an exciting offer. The client should assure the blogger of some benefit from pitching the campaign on his or her blog. Secondly, the theme of the message should be simple and straight to the point. The subject should not sound as if the blog is trying to promote sales. Third, when pitching a campaign to bloggers, always bear in mind that the blog is about them. Bloggers strive to be successful, and the message ought to deliver value. Lastly, the most important point is that the pitches should always be as personal and customized as possible for a specific blogger (Townsend, 2009). Individuals should exhibit readership qualities if they are willing to identify the best blogger. An individual who has been active in reading the blogger’s work would know their recent blogs and what they prefer to write about. Such an individual would have some opinion towards the blogger’s work. A blogger should maintain a high ‘post frequency’ to be relevant and to maintain an engagement with the audience. The blogger’s relevance would be evident if his or her blogs maintain a strong social presence and receive comments, and he responds to the comments. Identifying specific blogs would entail evaluating their potential reach. A blog’s potential reach should be directly proportional to its amount of subscribers. There are numerous avenues on the internet where people can find specific blogs or bloggers to pitch their campaigns. Social media sites are the readily available and easily accessible online platforms where to search for specific blogs or bloggers. They include; Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Wordpress, and Linkedln Influencers. There exists a link between the presentation of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Effect of Emotional and Psychosocial Difficulties and Anonymity in Research Proposal

The Effect of Emotional and Psychosocial Difficulties and Anonymity in Online Interaction on the Willingness of Teenagers to Engage in Cyber Bullying - Research Proposal Example Ultimately, it is similarly crucial to become aware of useful ways of addressing episodes of cyber bullying when they happen. Statement of the Problem Cyber bullying, not like traditional bullying, can take place anytime and anywhere, and it is virtually unlikely for a cyber bullying victim to avoid or walk away from the cyber bully. Moreover, in majority of cases, even though the cyber bully knows or is acquainted to the victim, the latter does not know his/her attacker’s identity. Hence, according to some studies (Willard, 2006), anonymity in the Internet is the primary motivator of cyber bullying. However, aside from this external motivation, there are also internal ones such as emotional and psychosocial problems (Ybarra et al., 2007) which are discussed in the latter sections of the research proposal. This study focuses on the motivations behind the behavior of cyber bullies. More specifically, this study explores potential motivators, namely, (1) emotional and psychosoci al factors (e.g. depression and anxiety) and (2) anonymity in the Internet. Brief Background to the Problem Cyber bullies have distinct social and psychological profiles. Teenage cyber bullies, according to Pellegrini and colleagues (1999), have a tendency to have low self-discipline and high emotionality. Even though bullies are reactively and proactively antagonistic, bullies seem to exercise proactive hostility to build authority and power in their peer groups. Bullies display little or no empathy to their victims (Pellegrini et al., 1999). As reported by Menesini and colleagues (2003), bullies are usually aware of the feelings of their victims but are reluctant to or incapable of letting those sentiments affect them. Schoolyard bullying and cyber bullying equally... Cyber bullies have distinct social and psychological profiles. Teenage cyber bullies, according to Pellegrini and colleagues, have a tendency to have low self-discipline and high emotionality. Even though bullies are reactively and proactively antagonistic, bullies seem to exercise proactive hostility to build authority and power in their peer groups. Bullies display little or no empathy to their victims. As reported by Menesini and colleagues, bullies are usually aware of the feelings of their victims but are reluctant to or incapable of letting those sentiments affect them. Schoolyard bullying and cyber bullying equally affect bullies. Bullying, as reported by Ybarra and colleagues, is correlated with serious psychological and health difficulties among adolescents such as poor academic performance, emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. Research on cyber bullying is a new field of inquiry. Even though studies on cyber bullying focus on the effects of bullying on victims and other researchers have explored the frequency, associated factors and forms of victimization and incident of cyber bullying in depth, there remains an inadequacy of findings about the factors that motivate adolescents to engage in cyber bullying and whether cyber bullying behaviors can be predicted from certain psychological and social needs. These issues are addressed in the study.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Business - Research Paper Example It is social investigation methods where different questions are being asked by researchers to collect data for their researches. It is a method which will help the researcher to get information about customer’s satisfaction levels from South Wales University. In this research participants of the survey are university students. In this research students of the university are given some question. Those questions are to be answered on the basis of one to seven scales. Starting from scale one which signifies that the participants strongly agree with the statement and scale seven signifies that participants strongly disagree with the statement. In this research the survey is having 27 questions. The survey has been divided into six parts. In the first part of the survey questions were related with Demographics of university students (Roger, 2006). This part is consisting of 5 questions and here one to seven scales have not been used. Here all questions are very simple in nature an d all questions are having more than one option for furnishing information. This part will help researcher to get all different information related with customer’s demography. The next portion of the survey is related with different aspects of lecturers in the university. This portion of the survey is having six questions. Here all six questions are have to be answered on the basis of one to seven scales. Third portion of the survey focuses on class rooms of the university. This part is having seven questions. Those entire questions are to be answered on the basis of 1-7 scales. It would give clear information to researcher about class rooms of the university (Keith, 2003). The fourth stage of the survey is related with library of the university. The portion is having 4 questions to answer on the basis of 1-7 scales. 5th portion of the survey is related with course materials of the university. This portion is having 3 questions on

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Anthropological linguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anthropological linguistics - Essay Example Phonemes, Morphemes and Grammar Phoneme is considered to be the first building slab of language. These are the most fundamental unit of our speech; an individual sound. Phoneme is the common feature of all languages. English uses around forty phonemes. They can have further distinctive classifications and features like voiced or unvoiced components. Phonemes are so fundamental that they do not convey any meaning until put together. (Kendon, 2000) Morpheme is the second building slab of language. A morpheme, as defined by linguists, is the smallest meaningful unit of language, produced from an arrangement of phonemes. As far as their further classifications are concerned, morphemes are of two types, the first ones are content morphemes and the second ones are function morphemes. The basic meanings of a word are held by content morphemes while prefixes and suffixes work as function morphemes. The main characteristic of function morphemes is this that they add a little additional meanin g to the word. Grammar is considered to be the last and final building slab of language. According to grammarians, grammar is the collection of set rules of language that stipulate how phonemes, morphemes, phrases and words should be arranged and combined to communicate meaningful thoughts. Besides this, grammar also governs how to employ different classes of words and their inflections. Grammar is a combination of two ingredients; syntax and semantics. (Kendon, 2000) Syntax is the set of grammatical rules that state in what order the words and phrases should be arranged in a sentence in order to convey meaning. In human life development, by the time one is proficient to read, his or her syntactical perceptive sense is exceedingly developed. Furthermore, this makes it sound like even sentences that are composed or based on of unfit or apparently odd words make sense because they follows appropriate syntax. Syntax and syntactical rules are different and diverse in every language. (Ke ndon, 2000) For example, English speaking people place adjectives prior to nouns while many other languages place the adjective after the noun. Another important field of linguistics is semantics. Semantics are the meaning itself or study of meaning derived from morphemes, words and sentences. Semantics depend upon a variety of relevant factors such as word choice, context and whether the speaker’s intent is figurative or literal. All these are building slabs of human language and are integral part of all human languages in anthropological linguistics. Without these building slabs humans, speaking any language of the world, would not be able to converse with each other. These are the core rules and units of speech which are all significant components to help convey our opinions, thoughts, ideas, feelings and personal experiences through language. Non Verbal Communication Non-verbal communication is used so often that we actually forget that we are using it. We do not realize how much we rely on non-verbal communication; the reason for this is due to the fact that most non-verbal communication transpires on a level that is below our conscious awareness. (Kendon, 2000) While many aspects of nonverbal communication are culturally specific, some, e.g. facial expressions and gestures, appear to have near universal levels of recognition. Non-verbal messages are also viewed as more authentic because behavior cannot be restricted as effortlessly as spoken words. (Kendon, 2000) Perhaps the most

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cash Management Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cash Management Paper - Essay Example When a company is strapped for cash there are various alternatives can be implemented to ensure the company stay solvent for a longer period of time. One of the approaches that can be utilized in cases where there is an imminent cash flow problem is to reduce costs. During the global economic recession that started in 2008 the world has seen how many global corporations have chosen to reduce their payroll expenses through massive layoffs in order to keep the businesses going. The US government created a special bailout package bill for the US automakers because companies such as GM could not keep operating because of cash flow problems. Cash flow problem can also occur due to the inability of a company to collect its account receivables. IF clients are not paying on time the best alternative is to terminate the credit privileges to such vendors. A technique that is utilized by companies to improve its collection function is by utilizing electronic transactions such as direct debit from a checking account. One of the four primary financial statements is called the statement of cash flow. The statement of cash flow is the best anal ytic tool that can be used to manage the cash flow of an enterprise. This financial statement provides an outlay of the cash that is entering and going out of a firm as well as the type of transaction associated with the movement of cash. The three categories that measure cash movement in the statement of cash flow are financing, investing, and operating activities (Besley & Brigham, 2000). Due to the importance of the cash asset of a business there are various alternatives that a company can utilize to obtain cash through short term financing. Short term financing are alternatives that provide a company with immediate cash to be utilized to cover its short term operating activities such as paying payroll, buying materials, maintenance activities among

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Business Research Discussion Week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Research Discussion Week 6 - Essay Example The technique would enable gathering of pertinent information which were not captured in the eye-tracking software, such as the suggestions on improvement and assessment of usability from the users’ perspectives. As emphasized, â€Å"while the observation method may be used to describe a wide variety of behavior, cognitive phenomena such as attitudes, motivations, and preferences cannot be observed. As a result, observation research cannot provide an explanation of why a behavior occurred or what actions were intended† (Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2012, p. 236). Therefore, the brief survey or questionnaire would collect information on attitudes or preferences which could not have been made possible with pure eye-technique (or observation) method. What advantages exist of one research design over the other with regard to measuring the physiological reactions of research participants? What might be some ethical implications of observational methods? Under what circumstances might it be considered profiling? The advantage of the eye-tracking software is in measuring the physiological reactions through the natural tendencies of responding to visual appeal. The benefit of soliciting information through a brief survey is that the incorporation of cognitive skills that rationalize focusing on information deemed to be appealing or catchy. The observation methods should abide by standards of ethics in terms of soliciting the approval of participants in the research. Profiling is defined as â€Å"the recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people† (Oxford University Press, 2014, p. 1). As such, the eye-tracking software falls within the profiling aspect since the information gathered enables Mazda to determine particular aspects (or profile) of users who exhibit

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example for Free

The Catcher in the Rye Essay In J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, is put through the harsh reality that is life. Holden is kicked out of school and must make his way back to New York to tell his parents the upsetting news, but he first spends a few days finding himself along the way in the Big Apple. He spends these days thinking and seeing first-hand what the adult world is like, consistently reinforcing his belief that the real world is fake. His hatred for people in general is only bested by his hate for those whom he considers to be phonies, which is just about everyone he meets throughout the novel. Salinger uses strong irony, complex characterization, and a specific setting to display Holden Caulfield’s strong hatred towards people that are phonies and prove that no one is immune to the phoniness. A great deal of the irony in Salinger’s novel arises from Holden’s attitude towards adulthood. He spends most of the novel explaining why adults have ruined his life and yearning to be an innocent child again, yet he himself shows signs of acting and feeling like an adult. The first ironic sequence therefore comes into play when Holden arrives in New York: â€Å"He tries to use the partial appearance of adulthood to his advantage, for example by standing up to show the [bartender] his grey hair† (Gesler 407). This scene shows that in some respects Holden wishes to be an adult, and to enjoy the perks that come with age, but his ideal lifestyle would be that of a child. Children are pure in Holden’s eyes and haven’t succumbed to the darkness that is society. But this isn’t the last time Holden tries to act old; he also invites a prostitute to his room at his hotel. Sunny, the prostitute, arrives and tries to come on to him her so that she can get the job done, but Holden refuses. He can’t have sex with this random woman because Holdens kind of clear-thinking reacts against sex without love, against unclean personal habits, against any manner of rudeness. † (Moore 162). This is ironic because Holden speaks out against things like sex without live but still invites a hooker to his room. There is more irony to this, though: Holden reacts against rudeness in his mind, but inside he is not a very pleasant guy. He is very smart and knows how to act in front of people but he looks down upon almost every person he passes. When he is meeting with his sister, Phoebe, for the first time in the book, she stops him in the middle of a sentence and asks the very straightforward question of whether or not there is anything in the world Holden actually likes, and he struggles very much to find an answer for this. Holden’s entire experience of a few days in New York is based around the fact that he thinks that everyone besides him is a phony, but ironically enough, he is a phony. He lies to himself, and convinces himself that he is not a phony and that his ideal life would be lived in the innocence of a child, when in reality he just goes out into public and pretends to be older than he really is so that he can associate with adults. His admitted worst fault is that he is completely infatuated with a girl named Sally Hayes. Ironically while he calls her the â€Å"queen of the phonies,† he admits that he would marry her on the spot and even â€Å"proposes to Sally that they go off to New England together to live a Farewell to Arms sort of idyllic life† (Trowbridge 686). This is the epitome of an ironic sequence: a boy who could go on forever about how he hates the real world and how it corrupts people into phonies, proposing to a girl whom he refers to one of the phoniest of them all! While his wanting to go out of the country was escaping the phoniness, he himself is ironically being a phony by being in love with a phony. The in-depth characterization of Holden Caulfield has led him to be one of the most well-known and remembered fictional literary characters of all time. Everything about him relates to his hatred of society, adults, and especially phonies. First off, Holden doesn’t believe that school is something that will help him in life, and that it is just something that society is making him do because everyone has to do it. Any part of society, in Holden’s mind, is a bad thing that will corrupt people. Holden’s attitude towards the phoniness of adults is shown early on in the book before he leaves Pencey Prep when he is speaking to his teacher, Mr. Spencer.  Spencer tells Holden that life is a game, and you have to play by the rules. Holden agrees but in his head thinks, â€Å"Game, my ass†¦if you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it’s a game all right†¦but if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot-shots, then what’s a game about it? Nothing. No game† (Salinger 12). This is not only directly shooting down advice that an elder has just given him, trying to help Holden out, but it is also showing Holden’s view on life as a whole. Holden doesn’t believe there is opportunity; there are fake people with money and power, and people who don’t have money and power. This shows his disgust for humans, especially adults. Quite possibly the best example of Holden’s distaste for adults comes from a scene where he doesn’t even see anyone doing anything disgusting, where no adult is actually doing anything wrong. A few nights before he returns to his home for good, Holden sneaks into his house to see his baby sister Phoebe. During this sequence Holden looks into his sister’s room and sees her sleeping and quickly notices that â€Å"adults, they look lousy when they’re asleep and they have their mouths way open, but kids don’t. Kids look all right. † (Salinger 207). This is the first time in the novel that the reader gets contact between Holden and a child, and he believes that even when the child is sleeping it is better than an adult. Just the very sight of an adult’s mouth being open while he or she sleeps disgusts Holden, while he notes that a child could drool all over itself while he or she sleeps and still look innocent. This is the same scene where Holden and Phoebe get to talk for the first time in the novel. After talking for a brief moment Phoebe becomes aggravated at Holden’s disgust for almost anything in the world and asks him if there’s anything he likes, if there’s anything he likes to do. Holden admits to his sister that the same scene keeps playing through his head; he is in a field of rye with thousands of little kids running around and playing, where he says â€Å"I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over—I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them† (Salinger 224-225). Holden is so attached to the idea of innocence and that society corrupts children and turns them into things they’re not, into phonies, that all he can think about is being able to save every child in the world from falling into the traps of society. The setting in The Catcher in the Rye is very important, not only because of the terrible side of New York City, but also because it’s where Holden is from and it is what he knows. New York in itself is made for adults; there’s not much a child can do there in the first place. It is also a land of the rich, famous, and fake. People in New York tend to be full of themselves because they think that their role in the city means more than the next guy’s. This ties into Holden’s childhood and how he has grown up living among the very people he hates, the phonies. The Museum of Natural History is one of Holden’s favorite places in the world; it is where he went when he was younger to escape from the city. During his few days living on his own in New York, Holden decided to take a tour of the museum again and ran into a few children when he was there. He took the children to where the mummies were kept on their request and they ran away in fear of the dark room. It is here where Holden notices the words â€Å"Fuck You† written on the wall in the sarcophagus room. He believes that only a phony trying to show off for a friend would do such a thing but that it could happen anywhere. Holden is so convinced that the world doesn’t care about anything that he says: â€Å"†¦If I ever die†¦and I have a tombstone and all, it’ll say â€Å"Holden Caulfield† on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it’ll say â€Å"Fuck you† (Salinger 264). He is so convinced that society has lost all manners and has no care in the world what it offends that he is certain his gravestone will be defiled while he rests under it. The setting also leads the reader to a character that convinces Holden that there are no good adults, that everyone is a phony. Holden takes it upon himself to go see his old friend and ex-teacher, Mr. Antolini and his wife. He spends a long time having dinner with the couple before Mrs. Antolini goes to bed and leaves Mr. Antolini and Holden to talk about guy stuff. Holden spends some time explaining what he sees wrong with society and Mr. Antolini answers his problems by saying, â€Å"Among other things, you’ll find that you’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior† (Salinger 246). Holden looks up to his old teacher and takes these words to heart, that a lot of people are dissatisfied with society and the grotesqueness of people. Holden then spends that night at the Antolini’s home and is awoken in the middle of the night by Mr. Antolini stroking his hand through Holden’s hair. Scared off by his old teacher’s homosexual advance, Holden leaves the house. This is most dissatisfying to Holden because someone he considered to be a wise friend ended up being a phony as well. Holden Caulfield is disgusted at the very thought of phoniness and his eliefs that society makes people fake and that all adults are bad people eventually leads him to believe that almost everyone is a phony, even though at the same time he is a phony because he himself acts as much like an adult as he can. The fact that the book takes place, for the most part, in New York City greatly adds to Holden’s hatred of phonies because it is a city filled with people, most of them fake. Overall the book plays around that Holden wishes he could stop children from becoming adults so that society would not be able to corrupt them and they would not become phonies like the rest of the world.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysing The Grameen Bank Of Bangladesh Economics Essay

Analysing The Grameen Bank Of Bangladesh Economics Essay Grameen Bank (GB) is called the bank of poor people in Bangladesh. It has been established for the welfare of the poor village people of Bangladesh, which becomes a role model of the world of micro credit banking system. At the beginnings of Microcredit, Dr. Muhammed Yunus who is an economist educated in the United States of America, although originally from Bangladesh, introduced the world to the notion of micro-credit in the 1970s. Counts (1996) said that Muhammed Yunus talked with the poor village people and discover that general local bank never shows interest to provide loan to poor people and does not lend them and they had to borrow money from extortionate moneylenders with high interest rates. As a result, they ended up more-or-less permanently in debt and any money they made went to pay the interest on these high-interest loans. Yunus became conscious at that moment that the poor problems were in some ways no different from anyone else: low interest credit was a necessity of life. Definition of Micro Credit Auwal (1996): An extremely small loan given to impoverished people to help them become self employed. Also known as micro lending. This small loans extension (microloans) to those in poverty designed to spur entrepreneurship. These loans especially given to a poor person to enable him or herself to become self employed. Financial services loaned a small amounts of money usually around $50-$150 to poor people as a capital of a small business to start or extend it. The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh has become a model of successful micro loan provider. Principles of Microcredit: General financing or credit. It emphasizes building capacity of a micro-entrepreneur. Employment generation. Trust building. Socioeconomic development. Help the micro entrepreneur on during difficult. Advantage of Microcredit Soeama (2004): Source and cost of funding: In order for the Microfinance institutions to loan they need funding too and a stable microfinance institution might have a competitive advantage of low cost of funds which enables it to provide finance at low cost. Infrastructure set up: Microfinance companies must have a required network and infrastructure to deliver these services. The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh creates and implements this structure in rural village area. Image: MFIs are many times criticized as money squeezing machines which charge very high cost. Which is not necessarily true considering their cost of funds and risks moreover they have to be sustainable. So here I think having a good name, image and Top management team helps a lot. Disadvantages of Micro Credit: Although microcredits are the keystone in terms of development in poor countries, it can also have its difficult. Indeed, the disadvantages of microcredits are: Some microcredit institutions are often unpredictable. Refunding problems. Budget depends on subsidises from the government or NGOs. Fig 1: Current Microcredit Network of Grameen Bank History of Grameen Bank: The founder of Grameen Bank Muhammad Yunus open up the idea of micro-creditminuscule loans to the very poor. The bank currently lends more than $500 million a year with a repayment rate of better than 97 percent. Its Group Savings Funds have assets of $186 million. Grameen Bank operates 1,100 branches in half of Bangladeshs nearly 80,000 villages. The program has been successfully replicated in dozens of countries, including the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, South Africa, and Bolivia. It has also been applied to inner city and rural poverty in rich nations in North America and Europe. The origin of Grameen Bank can be traced back to 1976 when Professor Muhammad Yunus, Head of the Rural Economics Program at the University of Chittagong, launched an action research project to examine the possibility of designing a credit delivery system to provide banking services targeted at the rural poor. The Grameen Bank Project (Grameen means rural or village in Bangla language) came into operation with the following objectives: Extend banking facilities to poor men and women. Eliminate the exploitation of the poor by money lenders. Create opportunities for self-employment for the vast multitude of unemployed people in rural Bangladesh. Bring the disadvantaged, mostly the women from the poorest households, within the fold of an organizational format which they can understand and manage by themselves. Reverse the age-old vicious circle of low income, low saving low investment, into virtuous circle of low income, injection of credit, investment, more income, more savings, more investment, more income. The action research demonstrated its strength in Jobra (a village adjacent to Chittagong University) and some of the neighboring villages during 1976-1979. With the sponsorship of the central bank of the country and support of the nationalized commercial banks, the project was extended to Tangail district (a district north of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh) in 1979. With the success in Tangail, the project was extended to several other districts in   the country. In October 1983, the Grameen Bank Project was transformed into an independent bank by government legislation. Today Grameen Bank is owned by the rural poor whom it serves. Borrowers of the Bank own 90% of its shares, while the remaining 10% is owned by the government. Current structure of Grameen Bank: Grameen Bank allowed to operate branches in urban areas. Earlier they could open branches only in the rural areas. Government stake cut down from 25% to 15%. Note that when the Bank started, Government had a stake of 60%. Number of Government nominated directors brought down to 2 from 3. Chairman of the bank will be appointed by the board instead of Government nomination which existed until now. Fig 2: Current structure of Grameen Bank. Aims and Objectives of Grameen bank: The Grameen Bank believes that the best way for participants to learn about how the bank works, is through first hand exposure and observations at the field level. Through these experiences, participants are encouraged to draw their own conclusions about the effectiveness of Grameen Banks work and the impact it has on the poorest of the poor. The objectives of GBs training programs are to: Arouse curiosity. Stimulate interest on the subject of Micro financing. Encourage responsibility of self-motivated learning. Learn and share with others. Discover individual role in the organization and the global community. Methods of Growth: The Grameen Banks Method of action can be illustrated by the following principles: Start with the problem rather than the solution. Adopt a progressive attitude. Make sure that the credit system serves the poor, and not vice-versa. Establish priorities for action vis-a-vis to the the target population. Lean on solidarity groups. Establish priorities for action vis-a-vis to the target population. Associate savings with credit without it being necessarily a prerequisite. Do everything possible to ensure the systems financial balance. Invest in human resources. There are 16 decisions and 10 indicators in Grameen Bank policy to grow it up. These are: Decisions: Follow the four principles of Grameen Bank- Discipline, Unity, Courage and Hard work. Bring prosperity to the families. Work towards to construct new houses. Grow vegetables all the year round. During the plantation seasons plant as many seedlings as possible. Plan to keep families small which will help to minimize expenditures easy to look after every bodys health. Provide education to the children and ensure that they can earn to pay for their education. Keep the environment clean. Build and use pit-latrines. Arrange safe drinking water from tubewells and boil water or use alum when needed.   Do not take any dowry at our sons weddings, neither shall give any dowry at any ones daughters wedding. No body inflict any injustice on anyone. Will do more collectively undertake bigger investments for higher incomes. Always be ready to help each other. If anyone is in difficulty, all help him or her. Come to know of any breach of discipline in any centre, go there and help restore discipline. Take part in all social activities collectively. Indicators: Grameen Bank does staff evaluation of their work every year and check whether the socio-economic situation of GB members is improving. GB evaluates poverty level of the borrowers using ten indicators. A member is considered to have moved out of poverty if her family fulfils the following criteria: The family lives in a house worth at least Tk. 25,000 (twenty five thousand) or a house with a tin roof, and each member of the family is able to sleep on bed instead of on the floor. Family members drink pure water of tube-wells, boiled water or water purified by using alum, arsenic-free, purifying tablets or pitcher filters. All children in the family over six years of age are all going to school or finished primary school. Minimum weekly loan instalment of the borrower is Tk. 200 or more. Family uses sanitary latrine. Family members have adequate clothing for every day use, warm clothing for winter, such as shawls, sweaters, blankets, etc, and mosquito-nets to protect themselves from mosquitoes. Family has sources of additional income, such as vegetable garden, fruit-bearing trees, etc, so that they are able to fall back on these sources of income when they need additional money. The borrower maintains an average annual balance of Tk. 5,000 in her savings accounts. Family experiences no difficulty in having three square meals a day throughout the year, i.e. no member of the family goes hungry any time of the year. Family can take care of the health. If any member of the family falls ill, family can afford to take all necessary steps to seek adequate healthcare. PESTEL Analysis: There Wahid (1999) are many factors which are affecting the work process and decision making of GB. Tax changes, new laws, trade barriers, demographic change and government policy changes are all examples. To analyse these factors we can categorise them by using the PESTEL analysis. This classification distinguishes between: Political: The political condition of Bangladesh is not stable. The opposite part of government never helps their government properly to the welfare of the country. As a result work strike is happening, which affect the working progress of GB. Economical Bangladesh is a developing country. Most of the villagers are considering as poor. Lone interest rate, tax, unemployment, inflation has effect to any business. Basically unemployment and low national income are the main problem, that why GB trying to motivate people to become self employed. Though Bangladesh is a poor economic country grameen bank faced this crisis to move forward their journey. Social In Bangladesh peoples average age is 60 years. A large number of populations of the country are aged and have no activity in the economy. Grameen Bank also working with the working attitude to change it that people can find interest in different job activities. Technological Grameen Phone is another sister organisation of Grameen bank in Bangladesh. Muhammed Yunus bring the technology to the poor village people and give them an opportunity of phone business by doing cheap rate mobile phone call all over the world. Environmental Different environmental issues like global worming have concern in Bangladesh. Grameen bank motivate people to concern about it and also the human health by providing the easy way to make sanitary latrines, pure drinking water which is arsenic free. Legal In their different development program Grameen Bank teach people about their legal rights and law, that people can get more knowledge about their and others rights. SWOT Analysis of Grameen Bank: Strength Village people are the main resource. Trust between bank and customer. Loan with low interest for poor people. Modern technology. Weakness Loan return is difficult sometime. Cant give big amount of loan to the poor people. Sometime face the staff unhappiness. Opportunities Grameen bank a role model for the world. So this bank could expand all over the world. More job field can be created inside and outside of the country. Threats Political instability. Economic inflation. Environmental threats. e.g. cyclone. Conclusion: Grameen Bank is not only for Bangladesh but also a role model for other organisations all over the world. The village poor life style already has been changed by the different activities of this bank. In Bangladesh it has been success in finance and human health sectors. Australia, USA and some African country are trying to follow the Grameen bank.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An Unsuccessful India :: essays research papers

India is one of the worlds oldest and richest civilizations, the treasure chest of the Far East, and the desire of all the great powers of Europe. After years of battle it ended up under the control of Britain, making it "the most precious jewel in the crown of the Empire". Yet for India, the rule of the British did not bring promises of rebuilding a nation. Rather, it brought new dilemmas to face the Indian people. The British constantly exploited the nation for its prime resources and yet India had no gain from them. As the British Empire expanded, the wealth, resources and power of India attenuated. Slowly the suffering of the people of India grew. Meanwhile, Britain concentrated on increasing profits for its share-holders and officials, neglecting the suffering people of India and not to mention draining the wealth out of a great nation. Furthermore, new British laws destroyed the Indian industries that the British actually helped create in the first place. Their new British laws were also responsible for an enormous unemployment rate. Finally, India was ruled by a country that knew nothing about them and could not sympathize with them or rule them properly. India, at the time, had previously supported the Roman Empire under its rule with jewelry, spices and even clothing. It also was one of the oldest, and at the same time, richest places in the world. A huge number of people lived in India making it one of the biggest colonies in the world. After being dominated by the Roman Empire, India was ruled by the Portuguese. However, the Portuguese were only interested in India's trade so they monopolized on it. Europeans' began to see the true value of India. The Dutch then attacked the Portuguese in India and took over the country. Soon the Dutch were defeated by the French and, finally, in 1757 the British defeated the French decisively and then conquered India by using the method of "divide and rule". Before the British victory over France, in the sixteenth century, India was conquered by the Moslems from the north. In India the majority of the people supported the Hindu religion and the Moslems were supporters of the prophet Mohammed. This caused great tension between the Hindu people and Moslem leaders which contributed to the downfall of the Moslem Empire. Shortly after the crash of the empire, local rulers began to fight amongst themselves for land and power.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Halloween And Christianity :: essays research papers

Halloween and Christianity It is often said that Halloween is not the "harmless" holiday it is thought to be, instead it is believed to be a pagan ritual which dates back to the ancient Celtic Druids. According to the article "Should Our Kids Celebrate Halloween?" in Catholic Digest Halloween's origin is very much Christian and American. Although the ancient Celts celebrated a minor festival on the 31st of October, it fell on that day because the Feast of All Saints or "All Hallows" falls on November 1st. During the 840s Pope Gregory IV gad All Saints Day to be celebrated everywhere. The day before the feast became known as "All Hallows Even" or "Hallowe'en". At the time, that day did not have any real significance. In the year of 998, the abbot of the monastery of Cluny in southern France, St. Odilo added a celebration on November 2nd called All Souls Day. The new celebration was a feast whose purpose was to recognize those in heaven and in purgatory. The tradition of dressing up in costumes on Halloween is derived from the Feast of All Souls Day in France. During the 14th and 15th centuries when Europe was hit by outbreaks of the bubonic plague, about half of its population was wiped out. Since life spans were greatly shortened because of the plague, Catholics began to focus on the after life. The number of Masses help largely increased and people of all social classes gathered to dress in different garments and lead lost spirits to the tomb in a daisy chain which became known as the "Dance of Death". Dressing up did not become part of Halloween until the creation of the British colonies in North America. During that period of time, Catholics had no legal rights in England. At times English Catholics attempted to resist. One such occasion was a plot to destroy King James I and his Parliament with gunpowder. The plan was ill-conceived and easily foiled when the guard of the powder, Guy Fawkes, was found and hung on November 5, 1605. The date became widely celebrated in England. Bands of revelers began to wear masks on that date

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Shakespeare :: essays research papers

Personal life His life was a good one for the times, no money struggles or divorced parents. His father didn’t expect him to fallow in his footprints like most parents, but, he would have liked it. Instead his father wanted what was best for him. In turn he fallowed his dreams of acting, writing and producing plays. His childhood was hard working; he went to the king’s new grammar school. He also studied Latin and Greek which he incorporates in his plays. When he was 18, he was married to Anna Hathaway, aged 26. Their kids names were Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Burbage’s influence on Shakespeare Both Shakespeare and Burbage were 20, interested in theater, both part of the lord’s chamberlain’s men and both seeking success. Burbage invented the actual name â€Å"theater† and paying at the doorway of the theater instead of in it. The Theater had to be taken down so they took it apart and set it back up on the bank side of London and named it the â€Å"Globe†. For the observers eye of Shakespeare’s plays in the Globe The performances would start at approximately 2 o clock in the after noon unless the flag was up, which meant that the weather was too bad to host the play. Part of the Globes roof was open and the rest was thatch making it easy for the weather to cancel performances. Its octagon, kind of circular shape and being 3 stories tall helped to create its name, the Globe. Up too 3000 people could fit in the Globe and payments went 1 penny for a ground view and 2 pennies for a gallery seat. The stage was a thrust stage with secret entrances and great performances until it burned down from a shot of clothe in a cannon that landed on the roof. The Globe was no longer a Theater. Life as an actor There are 10 key points to the life of an actor. 1. It was a long day 2. You had to repeat shows lots 3. Memorizing your lines 4. You had to be very skillful in portraying different personalities 5. Had to be entertaining for the audience

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Poverty-stricken Youth of America

America has been described as a â€Å"melting pot†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ a land full of diversity. With that diversity comes a full range of income levels and statuses of its inhabitants, from the very, very rich to the destitute. Ronald Taylor†s article entitled â€Å"African-American Youth: Their Social and Economic Status in the United States† focuses on the issue of polarization. Polarization occurs when an increase of the percentage of people in poverty coincides with an increase of the percentage of people with higher incomes. Fewer people are considered ‘middle class†, but are either rich or poor. This paper will focus on the poverty-stricken youth of America. How are today†s poor white and poor non-white youth alike? How do they differ? Sociologists and researchers have found evidence to justify both, and I hope to focus on major points for both issues. Whether you†re white, African-American, or Hispanic, poverty for today†s youth has many recurring themes. A recent article by Duncan and Brooks for The Education Digest points out some very discerning facts that face today†s poor youth. â€Å"Low Income is linked with a variety of poor outcomes for children, from low birth weight and poor nutrition in infancy to increased chances of academic failure, emotional distress, and unwed childbirth in adolescence.† (Duncan& Brooks, pg. 1). They also claim that low-income preschoolers show poorer cognitive and verbal skills because they are exposed to fewer toys, books, and other brain-stimulating items at home than their higher-income classmates. Low-income adolescents, in later years, will experience conflict between their economically stressed parents, as well as lower self-esteem than other teenaged children. An article from the Ojibwe News, a Native American Magazine, gives a startling statistic discovered by research analysts for the Minnesota Private College Research Foundation. They found that a child from a family earning $25,000 or less annually is only one-half as likely to enroll in college as a child from a family with an annual income of $50,000 or more. Both white and non-white youth in poverty experience a higher rate of teenage pregnancy, AIDS, and tend to live in single-parent homes. There are several differences that exist between white and non-white youth that live in poverty. Recent research for low-income youth has shown that the most important factor that contributes to the gap between employment rates of minority and white youth can be attributed to their social network. Three reasons were cited in lecture as to what lead to the declination of life chances among African-American youth in poverty. They are as follows: 1. â€Å"Affirmative Action† primarily helped better-educated, especially professional workers. 2. Relocation of industry to suburbs or abroad reduces â€Å"living wage† jobs for non-college educated. Lack of network contacts, plus continuing discrimination, puts minorities last in line. 3. Concentration of poverty in center cities. Higher income black families go to the suburbs for jobs. Therefore, loss of network contacts, community organizations, and the like. These reasons attribute to the starling fact that Black poverty rates and unemployment rates remain at approximately 3 times the white rate. Israel and Seeborg in their article entitled â€Å"The Impact of Youth Characteristics and Experiences on Transitions out of Poverty† state that â€Å"†¦being black increases the probability of exposure to adverse social and economic conditions (i.e. underclass environment)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which, in turn, reduces the chance that new generations can get out of poverty. This leads us to another point-if African-Americans experience the highest rates of teenage pregnancy, which perpetuates continuing generational poverty, will there ever be a time when African-American adolescents get out of poverty? It is not only African-Americans that feel a more pronounced state of poverty. The Ojibwe News, a native American newspaper, focuses on the plights of Native American youth in Minnesota, as well as statistical evidence of other minority students. â€Å"Divided We Fall: The Declining Chance for College Among Minnesota Youth From Low-Income Families and Communities of Color† is based upon information from the Census Bureau, the Minnesota Department of Education and other sources, and examined high school dropout and college participation rates and how they are affected by such socioeconomic factors as race, family income, and parental education (Laird, pg. 2). The Ojibwe News showed a strong correlation between education and earnings. Considering that the present funding system for public schools usually provides from two to five times as much money for wealthy school districts as for the poorest, and that whites are twice as likely to have good access to computers, it is no surprise that this correlation exists. According to projections by the Minnesota Department of Education, 62% of all black students and 56% of all Native American students who entered public high school in the fall of 1991 will drop out by 1995. Nearly 50% of Hispanic students and 21% of Asian students were projected to drop out as well. The rate for white students? Only 16%. The article also explains how those 18 to 24 year-old dependents with at least one parent who had completed four years of college were twice as likely to enroll in college than those peers who parents had no post-secondary education (Laird, pg. 1). In summary, there exist many similarities and differences between white youth and non-white youth in American cities. A recurring solution emphasized by researches and in lecture is the idea of socialization. By integrating poor minority and poor white students with their wealthier peers, as done in the Gautreaux program, the continuation of poverty can be decreased.

Family System Theory Essay

Human Beings depend on each other to survive and thrive. Whether in family group, business or organizational networks, relationships have the potential to be the resources for accomplishing important goal. Our interactive process can become a hindrance or a source of a productive action. Families are considered systems because they are made up of interrelated elements or objectives, they exhibit coherent behaviours, they have regular interactions and they are interdependent on each other. This is apparent in the relationship between flowers and bees, where bees use the flowers as a source of food, and the flowers depend on the inter-flower traffic that the bees provide to spread their pollen and insure healthy genetic diversity within the flower community. These two species are interconnected and cannot be understood in isolation. If the bees become damaged, the flowers suffer, and vice versa. When any part of such a network is altered or damaged, it affects all the other parts of that network, for all are interconnected (Dombeck & Wells, 2006). The Family Systems insight is that what is true about flowers and bees is also true of human relationships. People live in families and social groupings, and depend upon one another for the means that insure their mutual survival, including (as Maslow has taught us) food clothing and shelter, but also safety, belonging and social support. Family members are interconnected: Every person within a family has a role to play within the life of the family as a whole. Alteration or damage to one family member affects the entire family, for all are interconnected. A change in one persons functioning can be followed by reciprocal changes in the functioning of others in the family. Family systems theory views the family as an emotional unit that implies a deep, multi-generational connection between family members that significantly influences behaviors of its members outside of their conscious awareness. Family Systems theory or Bowen theory is based on three main assumptions: clients problematic behavior may serve a function or purpose for the family clients problematic behavior may be a function of the families inability to operate productively the maladaptive behavior may be a symptom of dysfunctional patterns handed from generations I find the family systems theory to be the most practical and effective approach towards making positive changes within the family unit. Unlike other theories, Family Systems theory focuses on the entire family unit instead of a particular individual, family structure , a developmental stage, crisis or a behavior causing the dysfunction in the family. The theory provides a holistic and a realistic view of the problem and how best it can be treated by assisting the family members in realizing the problem and using the family as its own resource to solve the problem. Research has shown that incorporating Family System theory into therapeutic practice can enhance the recovery of the client and the family as a whole.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

China Green Economy

For years now, China has been at the receiving end of stinging criticism from the West over its environmental policies, with critics describing it variously as one of the most polluted countries, an insatiable, consumer-driven energy guzzler, and the world’s worst emitter of greenhouse gases. These labels have been prompted by China’s rapid industrialization and urbanization over the past 30 years, which has allowed it to achieve blistering economic growth, but at enormous cost to its environment. Given the widespread criticism, it’s understandable why many in the West might find it hard to imagine this ‘dirty’ giant ever getting clean. Yet these difficulties shouldn’t overshadow an encouraging reality—China’s top decision makers are planning to take a more holistic approach to the quest for greener growth that could transform the country’s image. China’s central government is currently thrashing out details of how best to steer towards greener growth as part of closed-door discussions aimed at finalizing the country’s 12th Five Year Plan (2011-2015), which will be announced in March. The plan is expected to become China’s first national plan to shift the development agenda decisively toward a pattern of green growth, accelerating the country’s efforts at green modernization. Expect ‘establishing a low carbon society’ to be a key political slogan over the next five years. With a limit to the amount of fossil fuel it can access, and with these fuels anyway creating significant environmental damage and associated socioeconomic problems, China’s top leadership seems to be realizing that the old ‘growth at all costs’ model that has previously been followed threatens not only the country’s energy security, but its very survival. A green development pathway based on low energy consumption and low carbon emissions is essential if China is to find a sustainable path to growth. The environmental aspects of the plan are likely to be boiled down to five key points that will be presented to the public and used to measure China’s success in achieving its ambitious targets. First, the government is believed to be considering using green indices as a yardstick for evaluating the performance of local officials. Water consumption per unit of GDP, proportion of clean coal consumption utilized, and the proportion of GDP invested in environmental protection will all be integrated into the indices. The idea is that this will force local governments to strengthen resource efficiency and improve ecofriendliness in key sectors such as heavy industry, construction, and transportation. Gone will be the days when the rate of GDP growth is the sole determinant of success. Second, China aims to gradually establish a carbon trading system to help it meet its 2020 carbon intensity target of reducing CO2 emissions as a proportion of each unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent of 2005 levels. Policymakers are expected to view carbon trading as a market-oriented, cost-effective way of supplementing current administrative measures to reduce emissions and genuinely shift the country’s ‘brown’ economy to a ‘green’ one. A cap-and-trade market is also expected to be up and running by 2014, while over the next couple of years, carbon trading programmes will most likely focus on pilot schemes in economic zones and/or industrial sectors such as the coal-fire power generation sector. Third, China will continue to support the research, development, and deployment of clean energy technologies. China was reported in December to be seriously considering, for example, investments of up to $1. 5 trillion in seven strategic industries including renewable energy, clean energy vehicles,and low carbon technologies. In this regard, keep an eye out for two Chinese companies—Yingli Solar and Wanxiang Group—that will play a more proactive role in producing state-of-the-art clean energy technologies to help create more ‘green collar’ jobs domestically and overseas. With robust government support and private sector innovation, China’s pledge to have 15 percent of its energy come from non-fossil fuels by 2020 could be achieved more smoothly and quickly with smart investment. If it can follow through on these ambitious plans—admittedly a big if—there’s little doubt China will be able to join world leaders in the development of wind, solar, and electric vehicle technologies. Fourth, with the country’s total power capacity expected to climb to more than 1,430 GW by 2015, compared with 874 GW at the beginning of last year, China has been trying to figure out how to bring trillions of kilowatts of power to more than a billion consumers, sometimes over extremely long distances. With this in mind, the government is said to be planning to invest about $300 billion in a smart grid over the next five years that allows potential problems to be detected early. So far, local governments including the Jiangsu Provincial Government and the Shanghai Municipal Government have taken the lead in publishing plans for smart grid development. Last but not least, China is expected to begin efforts to restore marine ecologies for the first time, focusing not only on supervising chemical oxygen demand, which measures the amount of organic pollutants found in surface water, but also limiting emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus, which causes eutrophication. In addition, constructions such as dams and sea walls will be strictly examined to ensure that they aren’t adversely impacting the environment. If China’s policymakers can follow up on this promising list, then it could produce some genuinely spectacular policies that will help the country dramatically increase its chances of sustaining its strong growth, expand its clean technology market, and achieve green job creation. None of this will be easy, not least because rapidly rising energy demand will mean coal and oil inevitably remain a foundation of China’s economy for years to come. In addition, China’s efforts at developing a green economy so far look like a top-down initiative, meaning much of the public doesn’t really understand what a green economy entails, its importance, or how they can contribute to creating one. As a result, there’s a clear need for proper public outreach to encourage people to become engaged. Still, the talk around the upcoming five-year plan offers some cause for optimism that with the central government genuinely behind it, and if market-driven mechanisms can be properly utilized, China can launch itself on the path to a greener future.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Branches of the Criminal Justice

The system of courts, corrections and law enforcement in the criminal justice is directly involved in the supervision, incarceration, sentencing, defense, prosecution, and apprehension of those charged with or suspected of criminal offenses. Law enforcement agencies, in one hand, are governmental agencies or subunits thereof having legal authority to arrest and to carry out crime reduction and control (National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 2004). For the majority of the time, however, their work is composed of three principal functions which include law enforcement, service and order maintenance.On the contrary, justice is one of the primary aspects of law enforcement; hence the courts are as well of major significance in criminal justice since it encourages freedom and justice, in addition to law and order. Basically, the courts function as the location where justice is governed and disputes are resolved (Answers. com, 2009). From the court system and following the findin gs of guilt, individuals are then turned over to the correctional authorities.The corrections will then administer the sanctions conferred by the court against convicted criminals (Osceola County Clerk of Circuit Court’s Office, 2000). Taken as a whole, the criminal justice system is a fundamental component in the maintenance of social control and order. Efficiency, Conflict and Abuse of Power The criminal justice in general is used by local and national governments, in order to uphold social authority, control, crime deterrence, and to appropriately penalize those who violated the laws.However, there are large numbers of existing specific agencies that carry out the tasks of the criminal justice; each of which has its own extensive functions to act upon. The courts, for instance, despite of their various levels, divisions and specializations, are still experiencing difficulty from the incessant clogging of their court dockets due to the large number of cases that are brought to them everyday. Clearly, the efficiency of services will not be delivered if the branches of criminal justice system are merged, without suffering fairness, impartiality, and social control and administration.Likewise, criminal justice system has several components, and in their functioning, each of which has several stages of process. As such, performance of functions will likely cause conflict if all the branches are merged into one agency. For instance, due to the law enforcement officers’ field experiences and orientations, their perspective of what is culpable may be different from that of the judges’, which possesses more subtle legal qualities than any other individuals in any of the other two branches.Consequently, divergences of standpoints will then arise resulting to constant conflicts. Lastly, the possibility of abuse of power would be more evident if the three branches of the criminal justice system are merged into one single agency that execute the fun ctions of all three. This is because the respective attributes of each branch are different. The law enforcement officers’ task is to basically bring lawbreakers to the criminal justice system (EduDecisions. com, 2009). As such, their duties and responsibilities primarily involve executive function.For a fair trial, law enforcement officers bring the lawbreakers to the courts, and obviously, judicial functions are then performed. However, there would be no fair trial if one agency performs both executive and judicial functions. All the more if the same agency will hand out and administer the offenders’ rehabilitation. These circumstances are clearly vulnerable to abuse in view of the fact that it concentrates broad and significant powers into one agency. Conclusion A criminal justice system that is independent, fair, honest and effective is one of the most indispensable institutions of America.Accordingly, despite the modernization of times, the continued division betw een the law enforcement, courts and corrections is still very necessary. Although the three branches must still cooperate with each other in order to provide justice for victims, criminals and the society; nevertheless, the system still needs to be structurally based in order to maintain effective social control, efficiency, impartiality, goal organization and accountability. References Answers. com. (2009). Criminal Justice. Retrieved March 9, 2009, from http://www. answers. com/topic/criminal-justice#CourtsEduDecisions. com. (2009, March 2). The United States Criminal Justice System. Retrieved March 9, 2009, from http://www. edudecisions. com/articles/criminal-justice-careers/criminal-justice-system. php National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. (2004, March 17). Adding a Name to the Memorial. Retrieved March 9, 2009, from http://www. nleomf. com/TheMemorial/addname. htm Osceola County Clerk of Circuit Court’s Office. (2000). A Criminal Justice System Overview. Retri eved March 10, 2009, from http://www. osceolaclerk. com/criminal_justice_system_overview. htm

Friday, September 13, 2019

Assingment 4-2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assingment 4-2 - Assignment Example However, deep self-disclosure at an early stage of a relationship may be detrimental to a relationship, and discouraged. Rathus, Nevid and Fitchner-Rathus (2014) recommend that individuals planning to establish a relationship should hide some aspects of their lives during first meetings to avoid scaring the other partner. More disclosure should come when the partners have dated for longer and have significant trust for each. Again, self-disclosure at a later stage should not emphasize on one’s negative past (Rathus, Nevid & Fitchner-Rathus, 2014). Another factor capable of strengthening intimate relationship is honesty. Honesty refers to the state of being open and frank in expressing one’s ideas and feelings in truthful manner. Honesty is an important factor of communication in intimate relationship considering that it exposes much issue that would otherwise ground a relationship. Honesty helps partners communicate their thoughts and allow each other opportunity to reflect on their contributions towards sustainability of a relationship. Rathus, Nevid and Fitchner-Rathus (2014) warn that honesty required in intimate relationship should avoid brutal criticism of other partner’s negative deeds. Actually, honesty should focus on good deeds and focus less on mistakes or address mistakes in manner that is unlikely to trigger negative feelings (Rathus, Nevid & Fitchner-Rathus,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How do employees survive in the current economy Essay

How do employees survive in the current economy - Essay Example Basically when a person is employed, one may ask himself, â€Å"whether or not he is qualified for wages and benefits that support a quality standard of living?† The answer depends on his salary. â€Å"Is his salary enough to send his children to school?† Or â€Å"is his salary enough to afford the hospital bills in case his children meet an accident, disease, or any kind of sickness or disability which requires hospitalization or confinement to the hospital?† If the answer is in the affirmative then we can safely say that a person is qualified for wages that support a quality standard of living. In case, of benefits, the employer must provide his employees the benefits required by the labor code. Non-observance of which means the diminution of employees’ benefits which the latter may take legal action to enforce their statutory rights. Anything short of the above-mentioned circumstances may well mean that a person is receiving a salary/wage which is not e nough to make his family live in comfort and quality standard of living. As mentioned earlier, the only resort of such employee is to have another job, so that he can have two - paid checks every pay day. In this way he can cope up with the dreaded challenges to which an employee and his family encounter each and every day of their of their lives. As to workingmen's security of tenure is concerned, we are all aware that downsizing, done in good faith, due to serious business reverses, or redundancy, is the scheme used or resorted to by the employer to minimize his expenses so that he can

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Critical Evaluation of a Website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Evaluation of a Website - Essay Example Also, it is possible to contact There is no any information about updates and creation of this web page. It is possible to say that this document is a current one because the organization indicates a current year on the site. The site provides viewers with a link to the home page. Also, the graphics of this site and information display is appealing to users. The purpose of the page web is indicated on the home page. Thus, there is a need for up-to-date information and the exact date of all changes. The information discussed in the article is useful for my purposes because it highlights SIL's philosophy and importance of endangered languages for general community. Unfortunately, the web page lacks objectivity because there is no a bibliography of print sources. The web page leads viewers to other Web resources but omits printed materials on this topic. Taking into account the pros and cons of the web page, it is evident that the key to any successful relationship program is detailed information and its design. Another feature, which is closely connected with this one, is that the better information that visitors have about the author, the more value they will potentially be able to provide. The main weaknesses of the web page are that it does not indicate the last date of changes and a bibliography.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Criminal Law 205 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Criminal Law 205 - Essay Example Be sure to cite all references in APA format. Violent crime is either an attempt (whether successful or not) that threatens someone with injurious or bodily harm. According to Berman Press (2008), â€Å"Violent crime consists of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault† (pp. 9). Robbery is therefore considered a violent crime, and cannot be constituted as a property crime. For example, if Client X were to rob a convenience store, this would constitute robbery and therefore a violent crime. Property crimes generally deal with trespasses to or damages to property—which don’t necessarily involve people as targets of the crime. That is the main difference between violent crime and a property crime—is that property crime does not involve the use of a weapon in order to hurt a person or people. Violent crime is more serious because all four types of violent crime constitute felonies—whereas property crime may range anywhere from a misdemeanor (trespassing) to grand larceny (stealing a car) to a felony (arson), and therefore may not be considered as serious, of course depending on what the crime was that was

Monday, September 9, 2019

BSC (Hons) Social Work. Children and Families module Essay

BSC (Hons) Social Work. Children and Families module - Essay Example It is, thus, that the dissertation shall explore the problem of homelessness in Great Britain, although with particular focus on youth homelessness in the Luton area. The study’s immediate motive and rationale emanate from the fact that the researcher was once, herself, homeless as a consequence of domestic violence. This first-hand experience has given the researcher a valuable insight into the implications of homelessness, as in the risk factors which the homeless are exposed to and the reasons why this problem is not an individual but a societal one. Added to the above mentioned, the rationale for the study further emanates from the incontrovertible importance of the problem itself and the imperatives of identifying the causes of homelessness and designing a preventative strategy. Jus as a means of emphasising the importance of the identified problem, hence, the motives of the study, it is well worth mentioning that the United Kingdom has the highest homelessness rate in the European Union and, one of the highest in the West. One out of every 250 people is homeless. Of this figure, it is estimated that, at least, a quarter of a million youth are living on the streets (Hall, 2003). London is the most affected area with homelessness rates twice the average for all other areas across the United Kingdom. In Luton, the focus of the study, statistics released by the Luton Borough Council indicate that there are at least 1,150 homeless households in the area, with studies indicating an undeniable potential for growth (`Homeless strateg y,’ 2003). In other words, the problem is a serious and important one, well-worth investigating. As may have been deduced from the foregoing, the problem of homelessness is not simply an important and serious one but it is expansive in scope. Accordingly, the researcher had to limit and define the scope of the study. To this extent, the dissertation will centre on the question of whether homelessness is a

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Energy Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Energy Policy - Essay Example In response to reduce the pollution caused by these gases several attempt have been put in place yet the pollution is on the increase. Therefore, this paper will seek explore the available alternatives to help in the decision and identified the most feasible in all the aspects economically, socially, and politically (Meridian Corp, 1989). In order to address these challenges effectively there are various ways that have been proposed to be adopted to help in the implementation process. They include among others emission standards for vehicles, cap and trade and tort laws. The emission standards for vehicles for regulate the kind of gases that are produces by the vehicles this help to remove the unworthy vehicles that transmit fumes in the air that cause difficulty in breathing hence become life hazard to human beings in the. The caps and trade are mostly used in to control sulphuric emissions from the power plant. The emission of gases in the air contributes much to the depletion of the ozone layer that reflects the radiation from the sun, hence, preventing the scorching effects from the sun (Weil, 1991). The other form is tort law that regulates energy developers like hydrofracking operation contaminating the stream. The affluent disposed in the water systems are regulated by the law in that the waste must be treated before they are drained into the nearby rivers this help to prevent the killing of the microorganism in the water and human being that depend on the stream for domestic purposes. The best way to deal with energy externalities such as smog is to use market-based strategies like trade cap and trade and emission taxes. When the taxes are charged on the pollution caused by the environment, very many people would not like to incur the cost and will reduce the emission in the air. This method treats the pollutant equally. The more one pollutes the environment, the more he